Thursday, November 10, 2005

I wonder if Letterman has this problem

I have a tiny gap between my two upper front teeth, and I'm slightly obsessed over it. It's not overly diastematic; it's just a fraction of a millimeter. Still, I'm obsessed with making sure there's a good air flow in the gap at all times. After eating anything, if there's any sort of matter left behind in the gap, I will stop whatever I'm doing and work on clearing it out. I usually keep floss in my desk, and when I don't have that, I'll use a piece of paper. Sticky notes work well, business cards even better. All day long, I'm testing the air flow; anything that gets in that gap will make it squeak a little bit, which has to be annoying to my coworkers.

8 Talked Back:

At November 10, 2005 at 1:01:00 PM CST, Blogger kristen said...

i would be willing to bet letterman does have that problem. i don't have much of a front gap, but my side gaps are enough that i can put my tongue to the top of my mouth and blow air through them, to see if anything comes flying out.

benefit: don't need random pieces of paper, no squeaking.

disadvantage: spraying nearby people with random bits of food!


At November 10, 2005 at 6:05:00 PM CST, Blogger meagan said...

This is just so much fun that you both shared about these gaps in your teeth!


At November 10, 2005 at 11:56:00 PM CST, Blogger kristen said...

do you want to share something about your own gap teeth, meagan?


At November 11, 2005 at 8:39:00 AM CST, Blogger meagan said...

:-) :-| :-=
I was trying to get creative and draw what looked like a gap-toothed emoticon, but I guss I'm not creative enough yet. But thanks for asking!! :-)



At November 11, 2005 at 10:33:00 AM CST, Blogger stan said...

Disgusting "proof" that Letterman has this problem:

Joel and Steve, May 12, 2004


At November 11, 2005 at 12:49:00 PM CST, Blogger Katie said...

I've been looking at you for years now and I've never once noticed a noticeable gap... Though this does explain why you are always looking for toothpicks etc.


At November 11, 2005 at 1:10:00 PM CST, Blogger stan said...

You just haven't been close enough to my face to see it, that's all ;)


At November 12, 2005 at 6:31:00 PM CST, Blogger Katie said...

I suppose thats true!


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