It's crunch time, and I'm not talking about cereal
The wedding is tomorrow afternoon. Am I nervous? Getting there!
Last night at about 2:30 a.m. Nicole and I finished our packing for the honeymoon. This morning, I woke up at eight to help her get ready for her mani-pedi appointment. I say "help her get ready" but that really means "get up at the same time as her out of loving support and fairness", only because she just had to get up this early and I didn't have to yet.
My groomsmen, parents and niece are all coming into town today, one way or the other. John flew into Chicago yesterday, and he and his girlfriend, and Dan and his wife (who, conveniently, are from the Chicago area), are making the 9- to 10-hour drive to be here. Dave originally missed his flight that would have brought him into Tulsa last night at 11:30-ish, but he was able to catch a red-eye to O'Hare, and he makes the second leg of the trip this morning (hopefully, that is, if he got on the standby flight at 8:30. If not, the next flight wouldn't leave there until 2:55 this afternoon). I'm driving a van to Tulsa at 11:30 or so to pick up my mom, her husband, and my niece, then to kill some time around Tulsa until Dad's flight comes in at 2:45-ish.
Then all of us are driving back, to the hotel in Joplin. I'll help get everyone settled in their rooms before moving everyone over to the church for the rehearsal and dinner. In a word: Ribs.
Not only that, I need to be available to pick up anything we might need from a Wal-mart or Michael's or whatever.
It's approaching quickly!
2 Talked Back:
At October 20, 2006 at 9:58:00 PM CDT,
Katie said...
I love that you are available for support and small trips to Michaels and Wal Mart! So fun. I wish I could be there. Seriously!
My love to you both!!!!
At October 22, 2006 at 11:20:00 AM CDT,
Jana Swartwood said...
Congratulations, Mr. Married Man!
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