No, I dont mind that at all, and I certainly appreciate your birthday wishes!
I just didn't want it to be a big "look at me" fest. Sometimes people go overboard with telling the world that they went another year without dying. Not me. :)
Nothing wrong with talking about it. Unless maybe you buy yourself a cake and party hat, and sit by yourself and take a picture and post it showing how alone you are on your birthday, and beg for gifts - now that's overboard!
8 Talked Back:
At November 17, 2005 at 11:20:00 AM CST,
Shirley said...
Happy Birthday! Wow, you are young!
At November 17, 2005 at 3:31:00 PM CST,
meagan said...
Does "I'm only gonna say this once" infer that you don't want us to mention it either? :-)
Happy Birthday!
At November 17, 2005 at 4:21:00 PM CST,
stan said...
No, I dont mind that at all, and I certainly appreciate your birthday wishes!
I just didn't want it to be a big "look at me" fest. Sometimes people go overboard with telling the world that they went another year without dying. Not me. :)
At November 17, 2005 at 5:41:00 PM CST,
meagan said...
Thanks for not dying.
At November 17, 2005 at 9:02:00 PM CST,
Scott said...
My bad, I forgot it was your birthday, sorry.
At November 18, 2005 at 6:10:00 AM CST,
Shirley said...
Nothing wrong with talking about it. Unless maybe you buy yourself a cake and party hat, and sit by yourself and take a picture and post it showing how alone you are on your birthday, and beg for gifts - now that's overboard!
At November 19, 2005 at 6:07:00 PM CST,
kristen said...
happy birthday, sorry i have delayed birthday reflexes! did you have a party?
At November 21, 2005 at 2:00:00 PM CST,
Samuel John Klein said...
Congratulations on meeting your double-trinity in such terse fashion.
Happy birthday, you person you.
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