Dispatch from Carthage #3: Getting my kicks on...something something?
Well, I have been here in Carthage for just over a week now, and I am still not at work. The good news is that I did have an interview at the office where Nicole works, and I will be doing some temporary work there tomorrow and Thursday. It's not much career-wise, but it gets my foot in the door, and a few coins jingling in my pocket.
In my season of unemploy, I have been Nicole's
This also means that I get the car all day long, which is not only fun (I love exploring) but practical as well, because every time I drive somewhere, I get my bearings around town a little bit more. In Portland, especially the east side, I've always been able to get my internal compass bearings, but here in Carthage, even though it's a grid, it's been surprisingly difficult at first, especially at night.
Anyway, one of the main roads Nicole and I drive to and from work is Old 66 Boulevard. I'll give you three guesses why it's called that, and the first two don't count. That's right, it used to be part of Route 66 at one point. (Not in the entire life of the Route, as it underwent countless realignments over the years.) Not even a mile away from our home is the famous 66 Drive-In, one of the dwindling number of drive-ins in America. They are closed for the season, but when I was visiting in July and August, they were in full swing, playing Pirates of the Caribbean and Cars. I had hoped that we could have seen a movie there this year, but there just wasn't time. Fortunately, they open again in April, so it would be cool to be first in line.
Last night, I finally remembered to have the camera with me as we drove along Old 66 Road to head for Joplin. And again this morning, as the low, sweet morning sun shone upon the beautiful sign and the back of the screen....

7 Talked Back:
At September 19, 2006 at 3:03:00 PM CDT,
Scott said...
Hey Stan, is there a "old-downtown", and if so, could you post some pictures?
At September 19, 2006 at 3:34:00 PM CDT,
stan said...
There is an "old downtown" (circa the Civil War), and yes, I will post some photos soon...
At September 19, 2006 at 3:50:00 PM CDT,
Scott said...
At September 19, 2006 at 8:55:00 PM CDT,
Jana Swartwood said...
Oooh, yes, post some pics of that cool white building in the square! (Can't remember what it is; I only saw it once.)
At September 20, 2006 at 12:18:00 AM CDT,
Jim said...
I have a vague memory of the streets being numbered (1,2,3) but above 10 you might have to take off your shoes to figure out where you are :)
there also have to be "tree" streets -- all Missouri towns have "tree" streets (the same way all Illinois towns have a "State Street")
I also have a vague memory of it being where the mattresses come from, or some giant plant that makes bedding.
just remember, when you come to the eastern part of the state you have to say mi-zoor-ee and not mi-zoor-uh -- or we beat you senseless!!!!!!!
At September 20, 2006 at 12:47:00 AM CDT,
Katie said...
I love drive in theaters. It makes me feel nostalgic. Though not for a time in my past because drive in's were pretty much gone already by my childhood. I went to one once in high school and I'm sure its closed now. Thanks for keeping us posted on the new digs.
At September 23, 2006 at 7:24:00 AM CDT,
stan said...
katie - didn't we all go to the Newberg drive-in to see X-Men that one time?
Jim - I still say Missour-EE, and I always will. And yes, Leggett & Platt makes furniture components. And yes, the east-west road names are tree names (Gum St., anyone?) and the north-south roads appear to be animal names. The square is bordered by numbered streets but I have only noticed them going up to 4th St. or so. Then it's named streets in both directions, which makes it difficult for a newcomer to navigate!!
Jana, Scott - I'll post them soon, I promise! They're on the memory card; I just have to find the time to post them!
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