I'm back...sort of
I haven't blogged too much lately, I know.
I used to be good at chronicling the events of my day, my week, etc., and last week was certainly event-filled. Nicole came to visit Portland for 10 days! We saw downtown Portland, the Oregon coast, the Columbia Gorge, and the symphony. Et cetera.
Is that all I have to say? Well, sort of. See, I don't really have time to blog now, because I am busy weeding through my belongings, figuring out what to save and what to get rid of, and separating the few things I will take with me when I MOVE TO CARTHAGE, MISSOURI on Monday. By plane.
That's right, folks. I'll be taking a one-way flight in the early morning hours of September 11. Can somebody say "extensive security check"?
7 Talked Back:
At September 6, 2006 at 1:22:00 AM CDT,
Jim said...
oh no, you're gonna have to learn to drive slow in the fast lane, and say "strang" instead of string
At September 6, 2006 at 1:25:00 AM CDT,
stan said...
I've also been working on converting my name to two syllables - "Stay-an"
At September 6, 2006 at 1:46:00 PM CDT,
Coley said...
Is that really how I sound?
At September 6, 2006 at 7:21:00 PM CDT,
stan said...
Only when you're really tired, or when your relatives are visiting. :)
At September 7, 2006 at 1:14:00 AM CDT,
Katie said...
I'm so sad.
At September 7, 2006 at 1:15:00 AM CDT,
Katie said...
Clarification: Not about Nicole. About the moving.
All the way to MISERY.
At September 7, 2006 at 1:50:00 AM CDT,
nitsuj said...
Aww, no more trying to get you to cross the border to Creation NW. Eh, I forgot to ask this year anyway. Good luck with the move!
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