Maybe I need to tilt my head all day
Whenever I get a cold, as I have now, I usually go through a period where my nose gets stuffed up. Strangely, only one nostril will get totally blocked, while the other one remains almost totally clear. Why does that happen? Do I have a lopsided head?
4 Talked Back:
At November 14, 2006 at 1:54:00 PM CST,
Jim said...
lopsided, probably, but you may have a sinus (bacterial) infection on one side, if you have a cold (viral) infection give it time, it will spread -- usually, sinus or allergies you will run a slight temperature -- also, if what's coming out is yellow, that's an infection -- probably all those dead leaves everywhere (mold) :)
At November 14, 2006 at 2:45:00 PM CST,
Scott said...
Man, I have a cold too. I find if I sleep on my right side, my nose gets all stuffed up, were if I sleep on my left side I'm okay. Go figure.
At November 16, 2006 at 10:57:00 AM CST,
Anonymous said...
At the risk of sounding clinical, your advice about infection or allergies was pretty good. Mucus color: clear=virus, pretty(?) green or yellow=bacterial. Best advice of all is to WASH YOUR HANDS and sneeze or cough into your elbow. Anything you touch around your face should be washed. Hand cleaner gel is pretty good, too. Don't forget the phone - it's a great carrier of bugs. Remember the old saw about colds: Take antibiotics and it is usually gone in seven days. Take nothing except lots of water and it will be gone in a week. Main thing now is to get over it before Thanksgiving, so you'll feel like chowing down! And try to enjoy tomorrow (you know why). MOM
At November 17, 2006 at 8:31:00 AM CST,
Scott said...
Stan, I'm almost forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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