Show of hands, who else feels a little bit older?
This year marks a freaking decade since:
- “Seinfeld” (or “Steinfeld” as my dad calls it) concluded its final season
- The whole Clinton/Lewinsky thing.
- The Thurston High School shootings
- Phil Hartman’s death
- Charles Heston became NRA president
- The US Embassy bombings
- Google was founded
- Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa hit all of those home runs
- John Glenn went back into space
- Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota
Has it really been that long???
1 Talked Back:
At April 6, 2008 at 8:45:00 PM CDT,
stan said...
Weird that only nine days after this post, in which I hadn't actually thought about him for years until I researched it, Charlton Heston died.
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