Next thing you know, they'll be playing "Deck the Halls" on Labor Day
I went across the street to the deli to grab some lunch, and they had Mix 106.7 playing on their radio. The station was playing the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's version of "Carol of the Bells." That's right, folks. It's November 4, 2005, and a local station is already playing Christmas music.
I think that sets some sort of record. If not the Earliest In The Year Christmas Music Is Played record, then at least the Earliest In The Year I Have Become Sick Of Hearing It.
Call Guinness.
2 Talked Back:
At November 6, 2005 at 1:13:00 AM CST,
Anonymous said...
That reminds me of something a local radiostation here in phoenix does. This station says the amount of days until christmas everyday, but they start doing this in july, so they will say things like "9*.* the holiday station! Only 162 days until christmas!"
At December 10, 2005 at 1:36:00 AM CST,
Anonymous said...
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