Hey, I'm still alive, but I'm relegated to only posting from home, since I no longer have access to the Internet while at work—including on my own time. (And I'm working overtime again, so that's just less time at home.)
I haven't only been neglecting my blogging. I've also been procrastinating my bill paying, too, since I do all of it online. Tonight, as I was preparing to pay a credit card statement, I noticed some activity on the card that I
knew wasn't mine.
For starters, I haven't used the card in more than three months. It sits in a hidden location in my house...I don't carry it around with me.
Second, and most ironically, there were two transactions on the same day (3/19), of more than $500 each, from...Victoria's Secret. Make all the jokes you want to, but the fact is that I have never been into a Victoria's Secret store in my life—heck, when I walk by one, I intentionally look the other direction! I have no wife or girlfriend to buy lingerie for (not that I would need to buy lingerie for a girlfriend anyway), nor do I have any other reason to step onto their real estate. So there.
Third, the purchases made (four in total before I called the fraud department) put my account balance over the credit limit for the card. Not by tens, but by
hundreds of dollars. I may not have the brightest mind out there (sometimes I'm about as sharp as a cue ball) but I know not to go over my limit on my credit cards by hundreds of dollars.
This whole thing really came as a shock to me because I believe I have taken many steps to protect myself against this type of fraud. My mailing address is a locked post office box. I don't carry my cards on my person. I do receive those annoying, useless "convenience checks" but I always (cross-cut) shred them. My statements are kept inside of my locked house and I only keep a year's worth, after which I shred them. I rarely make purchases online, and when I do, it's
always on a secure site with an
https: URL.
Whoever stole my identity was able to manufacture a new card in my name. I know this because the credit card company said that the purchases were
swiped, not made online or with a convenience check. This means that there is a fake card out there with my name and number on it, with a forged signature (in case the merchants actually bother to
check the signature). Fortunately, the credit card company noticed the unusual activity and stopped a $950 transaction from paying. So sorry, Nordstrom. I'm sure the clothes were nice.
The account is now closed, but I still need to call another fraud office tomorrow to individually dispute the transactions. So there goes my lunch break. Guess I'll have to read my Grisham novel while driving again.
7 Talked Back:
At March 30, 2006 at 2:00:00 PM CST, Jim said...
egocentric little group of SOBs -- they proved nothing, inconvenienced thousands, delayed who knows how many emergency vehicles -- and, of course, broke the law by leaving the scene of an accident--
Georgia has a five mile over the speed limit legal tolerance -- so if 55 is posted, you can do 60 and NOT be breaking the law
At March 31, 2006 at 8:45:00 AM CST, stan said...
Not only did they leave the scene of an accident (which was actually caused by someone else's illegal actions due to selfish impatience), the driver of the van who hit the parked car left it as a hit and run.
If those people had all been doing 60, or 75, across the lanes, people behind them would still be just as impatient, in a false hurry to get where they're going. Emergency vehicles? if there were any in that pack, they'd have cleared traffic with lights and sirens, just as if it was bumper-to-bumper traffic doing 15 mph.
Inconveniencing thousands was the point. At least they were driving at the high limit instead of the minimum speed of probably 45.
Yeah, they should have kept natural spacing, so that clueless, lead-footed idiots could have unsafely woven between them, maybe causing an accident that would block the lanes, inconveniencing thousands.
At April 1, 2006 at 8:48:00 PM CST, Jim said...
(d) No two vehicles shall impede the normal flow of traffic by traveling side by side at the same time while in adjacent lanes, provided that this Code section shall not be construed to prevent vehicles traveling side by side in adjacent lanes because of congested traffic conditions.
The Georgia Code
At April 2, 2006 at 3:16:00 AM CDT, stan said...
I guess that'd be why Dave and I got pulled over by six cop cars that one time. :)
At April 3, 2006 at 12:25:00 PM CDT, h-i-p said...
I still think that was a great video. We should try it sometime.
At October 6, 2006 at 1:56:00 PM CDT, Anonymous said...
Thank you!
[url=http://jwmqigmp.com/hsqu/qvxp.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://cctlfkos.com/hczk/qrwb.html]Cool site[/url]
At October 6, 2006 at 1:56:00 PM CDT, Anonymous said...
Thank you!
http://jwmqigmp.com/hsqu/qvxp.html | http://owylwjfm.com/buwu/cpfz.html
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