"Vic" will never be forgotten
Every year in June, our fair city presents the Grand Floral Parade for the Rose Festival. Its route snakes through streets on both sides of the river, and many, many thousands of people attend. because there are so many parade watchers, obviously, real estate along the curbs and sidewalks is at a premium. People are allowed to reserve their space a few days in advance, marking out their viewing territory with tape, paint, chairs chained to sign posts, etc.
However, the drawback to this system is that nearly nobody takes the responsibility to clean up their markings after the parade is over. Months later, our streets are still polluted with electrical tape:
This is highly ironic. You see, Portland is a city that prides itself on being on the cutting edge of environmental conservatism. We have scores of "green" buildings constructed each year. We recycle 40% or more of our waste. Et cetera, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
Yet we can't take a couple of minutes to yank up a couple of freaking strips of tape once a year. Vic, wherever you are, you have some unfinished business.
9 Talked Back:
At October 25, 2005 at 12:33:00 AM CDT,
Katie said...
So true. Its so ironically funny!
At October 25, 2005 at 5:06:00 PM CDT,
Samuel John Klein said...
Its so typical of the gently inconsiderate attitude of most Grand Floral Parade goers.
As a matter of fact, the parade goers are one of the biggest reasons me and The Wife™ have never gone.
I've been to the parade Just. Once. The crowd was so inconsiderate I've never wanted to go back.
At October 25, 2005 at 5:30:00 PM CDT,
stan said...
Honestly, the only parade worth going to, in my opinion, is the Starlight Parade. People just don't take themselves seriously for that one, choosing only to have fun and be silly. Who can beat those runners throwing candy at the audience?
The only thing I can think of that makes seeing the Grand Floral in person worth the trouble, is the One More Time Around Again Band. They are the best.
At October 26, 2005 at 3:56:00 AM CDT,
Humor Girl said...
interesting but not surprising....
Thanks for stopping by my site! You said that it would have been worse if he swung a fake sword around? Well, he did swing himself around violently in the aisle to crack his lower back....
Does that count? :)
At October 26, 2005 at 4:04:00 PM CDT,
stan said...
Oh, this is only one example. There's tape up and down both sides of MLK Jr Blvd, for 1/2 mile, at least. I haven't even looked at NE Broadway or the Burnside Bridge, but I'm sure there's more stuck there, too. Vic definitely isn't the only burro....
At October 28, 2005 at 11:02:00 AM CDT,
Anonymous said...
Yeah, I do read your Blogs from time to time. Just back from vacation and had a lot of catching up to do. It's nice to see you're concerned about "burros" that don't clean up after themselves! I wonder if you cleaned up after your escapade in Mexico (hurricane, you know!). Mom
At October 28, 2005 at 5:38:00 PM CDT,
stan said...
Ladies and gentlemen, meet my mom.
At October 29, 2005 at 10:23:00 PM CDT,
Samuel John Klein said...
Get out of town! That's really your mom?
Hey, Stan's Mom!
(this feels really funny for someone my age to say but, hey, I thought, go with it)
At November 1, 2005 at 10:39:00 PM CST,
Katie said...
Hi Stan's Mom!!! He's been doing great eating his veggies.
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