This is ironic
So far, I haven't been able to find a map to Rand McNally's corporate headquarters anywhere on their website.
So far, I haven't been able to find a map to Rand McNally's corporate headquarters anywhere on their website.
I thought that you might like to read this story about a 61-year-old Australian farmer who won the world's toughest endurance race - 875 kilometers from Sydney to Melbourne all in one go! I'm sure his story has been used in 10,000 sermon illustrations relating to Hebrews 12:1-3, where the writer says:
1Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (NASB)
When someone receives a few Christmas cards, then decides that those and any future cards will be displayed on their office door in the shape of a Christmas tree, but subsequently never gets enough cards to properly form the tree shape, ending up with a ridiculous looking, lopsided triangle.
Thirty years ago yesterday, a plane crashed less than a mile away from my house. It was no small plane, either - this was a McDonnell Douglas DC-8-61, operated by United Airlines. When it hit the earth, in the middle of a large suburban area, it amazingly hit only two houses - neither of which had anybody home at the time. If the fuel-less descent toward the crash site had been just a few degrees off, I would not be here to blog about it. So, thank God for His protection, nearly ten years before I even gave my life to Him.
My cousin Nicole has a link to this site on her blog. It's for a product called Baconnaise, which probably sounds oh-so-delicious to some and blecchhh-disgusting to others. I'm only blogging it today because I think their slogan is hilarious:
Everything should taste like bacon.
Here's a little exercise I found interesting, because I'm nerdy that way. When you do a search from Google's main page (or the iGoogle page), Google will drop down a list of suggestions that narrows as you enter more letters into the field:
I just ran across this hilarious and nonsensical little site that will apply a large slice of bacon to any website you choose.
Here's a joke I made up yesterday that you can pass along to your favorite Santa-believing child:
Q: What is Santa Claus made of?
A. Jollecules.
That I have been able to get this far into December without hearing "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer". I may make it all the way this year!
When something that would normally be italicized, like a book title, gets reverse-italicized in order to write it in an italicized sentence:
This is what the Freshside Grille - Grilled Pacific Salmon Meal from Long John Silver's is supposed to look like:
Photo: YUM! Brands
Photo: Yours Truly
How do they get the stick in the corn? I mean, that looks like the paper stick they use in suckers, and corn cobs are not soft when hot like candy.
I think there is some corn cob trickery going on here.
Corn Cob Trickery would be a sweet band name.
"Fresh side grill"... if that's the "fresh side"...I'm afraid for the "unfresh" alternative. Add to this meal the gianormous Wendy's ice cube cokes and you've got a real depression meal. LOL
So obviously, 366 Days of Creativity didn't make it to 366 days. It didn't even reach half that number. I will not be winning any sort of persistence or commitment awards for my failure to draw something every day of 2008.
Here's a version of "Silent Night" that really explores some beautiful harmonies, even if it doesn't follow the traditional chords or notes:
It may have been as early as kindergarten when I learned this little poem:
Check out this Manhattan rooftop art installation by the late Rudolph de Harak:
photo by Philip J. Hollenback,
ripped off from BoingBoing
Every website that I've looked at about Pachelbel's Canon, otherwise known as Canon in D, makes no mention whatsoever about it being any sort of Christmas song. Often times, people do play it at weddings, but I really don't know of anyone playing it at a Christmas church service.
Ever wanted to feel like the Jolly Green Giant?
flying carpet, Seyed Alavi, 2005
It's not that I don't want to add you, it's just that, especially if I haven't seen or talked to you since high school, I'm really kind of daunted by the prospect of writing my whole life story for the last 20 years. How did I end up in southwest Missouri? What have I been doing with my life? How did I meet your wife? What kind of job do I have? Why am I in college now when the rest of you wrapped it up in 1994?
Here in the office, our department is sending Christmas cards to people in the armed services overseas. I just signed about a dozen cards in a row, and frankly, I wish I could have done more with each card. Basically, the cards that we used were ones left over from the boxed multi packs of Christmas cards that we weren't going to give to our own families. Nearly all of the cards are the average, milquetoast, garden variety "Happy Holidays" type of card. There were a couple of more Biblical cards, with wise men and Scripture verses and the like. What I would have loved to see was some funny cards, or just more whimsical cards. Then we wouldn't feel so obligated to write such a serious note in there to our men and women in the trenches. After all, they see serious 24/7/365...why not a little levity?
…it seems that the below items for care packages would be a blessing. Most items are extremely short … if they have them at all. These items are very hard to get…. The shelves are empty most of the time and when a shipment comes in, they are wiped out pretty fast. Some are wish-list items....I would probably add handheld video games and decks of cards to that list. And High School Musical 3 napkin holders. (Only joking.) The e-mail said that it takes two weeks to ship these items overseas. So, to get things in the hands of our soldiers by Christmas, things should be sent out by next week.
Baby wipes
Soap bars & liquid
Hand lotion
AT&T Phone cards
60 watt light bulbs
Power strips
Charms blow pops
Short cheap extension cords
AA & AAA batteries
Mouse traps
Socks (white & green cotton)
Homemade cookies
Rolls of Charmin
So, I know I am a random stranger who is hijacking your blog...but I did want to add something to your post. My cousin, who is in the Navy, cautioned me that EVERYTHING edible that is shipped with any kind of soap ends up tasting like soap. Kind of a let down to see chocolate chip cookies and taste Dial. So, I would send the shampoo, q tips, soap, charmin and wipes in one box and the cookies, chocolate and lollipops in another.
P.S. You don't know me, but I come here alot because I think your random insights are hysterical. I figure you won't mind much since you put it out in here for anyone to find. And online connections seem to have worked out very well for you in the past, what with your wife and all.
You put a smile on my face, today...Thanks!
Here's an event for people who clearly have nothing else to do:
Image probably Copyright © Disney,
found here
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