Police chase ends at Convention Center Red Lion Hotel
Sorry for the crappy photo quality. All I had was my phone.
Update: Story link
KATU (2) report
This is the setup my dad needs. He's quite the avid TV watcher.
Found on the wine list at Assaggio last night:
1998 Barolo Castallero, Brezza.
A solid and richly textured Barolo. Hints of strawberries, raspberries, dried flowers and tar. Smooth and sexy....
Hilarious video of goats' reactions to a guy opening an umbrella.
great new pix at top
oh, it changed, it was a streetcar, now it's the belly of a bridge
It makes me wonder what happened to the template code recently, that suddenly Firefox users are able to see the photos. You're the second one in the last week or so to mention it.
Glad you like them Jim :)
I (a firefox user) still can't see the header photo. Hmmm.
I haven't done a themed list for quite a while, because I guess it didn't seem right without Jim around to help. But now, I think it's high time we got another one going!
I'm so confused...
like Britney Sparks
Bon Jolt
KC and the Solarpanel Band
Alice Copperwire
Ricky Martini <-- oops, sorry that's from the list of Music Acts Whose Members Work For The Shower Company [obscure reference to Ricky's lastest attempt to get into the tabloids]
I'll just leave Ricky off the list then.
Who's the real band that Fuse is a pun of?
I know, they are dumb, but it's all I could come up with:
The Rolling Blackouts
I was eating some Baked Cheetos this morning, and of course, my fingers quickly became stained orange. This is not convenient for office work, because I have to clean off my fingers thoroughly after handling every Cheeto. When I was in high school I got in the habit of eating with my left hand whenever I was going to use my right for writing, etc. So to this day, I'll really only have the "doodle dust" problem on one side. But at work, my desk is set up for left-hand mousing, so I'm really not avoiding the issue at all.
I was taking a look at the Winco receipt that I scanned and posted on the 185 blog last night, and saw that some of the descriptions of what I bought are abbreviated to the point of no recognition. So just for kicks, I typed in one of the Universal Product Code (UPC) numbers into a Google search, and I actually got a result.
I guess I share that trait of UPC nerdery with you as I have done that before! When I make my expense reports for supplies I buy for the church sometimes I can't remember what I bought and, as you said, the abbreviations can be beyond recognition!
this means that you bought 'Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea with Soy Protein'?????????????????????????
God sure knew what He was doing when He designed the human body. I was just thinking about this as I was once again forced to overhear Chimp-bo talking about being pregnant. She's the only woman who's ever been pregnant, dontcha know.
Yes, I know that this is a couple of years old by now, but this was the first time I have seen it in a non-broken website for quite some time. Plus, there are probably a few people out there who haven't seen it.
Friday afternoon, when we were on the freeway heading toward Seattle, we found ourselves next to a Muzak van. Muzak, as you probably know, is most commonly associated with elevator and supermarket music, corny instrumental versions of popular hits.
I blog on the most mundane things, don't I?
This brings to mind my efforts at popping the rear tail light out on my car. The exact same frustration and the light popping back into the hole. Grrrr...
I'm glad you were finally able to consume it. I would hate to see you go hungry due to ridiculous packaging. ;-)
In this modern world of quick conveniences, I find it quite frustrating to have to work so hard to get ready-made food!
they do that to help you burn calories -- you're supposed to burn more calories getting the container open that are contained in the food in the container
Once again, the microwave in the office breakroom sits empty, with three seconds left on its cooking timer. I have noticed this phenomenon no less than ten times since I started here. Clearly, somebody here has a phobia of the microwave's finishing three beeps.
or else they don't have enough patience to wait those last 3 seconds before they starve to death without their special nuke-em meal!
oooh oooh i see the banner on the top of the window for the first time ever! it's the kitty! hooray! ps. i like your fancy buttons too.
Yes, what a lazy habit.
If they have this 3-beep phobia, at least they could be kind and hit the CLEAR button.
I went back later in the day and the same microwave had 49 seconds left on it. Talk about cautious!
Stan, how did you make those "buttons"?
I looked for another button that looked like it, that was 80 x 15 pixels, and saved the image to disk (right clicking on it). Then I opened it up in MS Paint and tweaked it around a bit. It's really really basic, low-resolution work that pretty much anyone can do.
Then I uploaded the image to flickr.com, where it gave my a permanent link to the image that I can use elsewhere, like in the links list.
I used MS Paint because that's all the computer at work has available. It's all you need anyway.
Today the Nike corporate jet had to make an emergency landing after one of its landing gear failed to operate correctly. I have a super-secret source who tells me that right before the landing, one of the crew members climbed outside the plane and installed a pair of Nike Shox shoes to the faulty gear, which allowed the jet to land safely. A testament to the quality of their products, for sure!
Christians, let's do a little comparison here.
if you move up the presents to thanksgiving, when would black friday be?
I don't know...what's black Friday?
The greatest gift is given when we gather in spirit and join with each other. I really loved a message over on the Holy Inheritance blog regarding making Thanksgiving a real spiritual blessing.
Maybe it's like black lunch?
that "a christian prophet" comment looks suspiciously like spam to me...
If it's spam, it's definitely not bot spam. I read some of it...it's interesting.
Black Friday is the biggest retail shopping day of the year. Just so you know... ;-)
The Christian Prophet doesn't seem really Christian. He's refering to a Budhist as a good example of "spiritual" awareness and stating its from the Holy Spirit. Not something the Spirit of the One True God would say.
My Multnomah education is bubbling up...
black friday is the day after thanksgiving. it's when all those big sales are, when stores open at 5am to sell as much stuff as they possibly can. christmas shoppers go nuts for all the sales, and thus, get up before dawn to get their shopping on. :D if we move christmas up to thanksgiving, when would we go crazy and buy all the christmas presents? on all saints day?
I bought a new set of flannel sheets recently. The packaging for the sheets is a good quality vinyl bag, with a zipper and a rope handle. Why do they package sheets so fancily? Do people re-use those bags? I cannot imagine people saving them to store the sheets when they're not being used. Although hmmmm, it is about the perfect size for a lunch bag...but no, I think I'd raise too many eyebrows if I walked into work carrying a clear, vinyl, rope handled bag containing a sandwich and chips (heck, containing anything).
This just in:
The big annual
Chimp-bo has a funny way of saying certain words, due to her always sounding slightly drunk. For her, "payroll" sounds like "parole".
I ran out of deodorant this morning, after only applying it to one side of my body. I opened a new tube - or stick, I'm not sure what it's called when it's a gel - and applied it to my other side. The new deodorant is a different scent than the old one. So, depending on which side I'm facing, or the direction of the wind, you'll either smell the "Active" me, or the "Fresh Scent" me.
A note about those drugstore.com links - I find it hilarious not that there are photos of the individual toiletry items, but that you can zoom in on them.
which side seemed to attract more ladies, i wonder?
If only you knew, Kristen, if only you knew. The young lady I was with on Friday was sitting on my right side, so....
Happy Birthday! Wow, you are young!
Does "I'm only gonna say this once" infer that you don't want us to mention it either? :-)
Happy Birthday!
No, I dont mind that at all, and I certainly appreciate your birthday wishes!
I just didn't want it to be a big "look at me" fest. Sometimes people go overboard with telling the world that they went another year without dying. Not me. :)
Thanks for not dying.
My bad, I forgot it was your birthday, sorry.
Nothing wrong with talking about it. Unless maybe you buy yourself a cake and party hat, and sit by yourself and take a picture and post it showing how alone you are on your birthday, and beg for gifts - now that's overboard!
happy birthday, sorry i have delayed birthday reflexes! did you have a party?
Congratulations on meeting your double-trinity in such terse fashion.
Happy birthday, you person you.
Many Blogger or Blog*spot blogs require a person to type in a random string of letters before their comment will go through to a post. (This blog doesn't have one because of the above spam-trapper post.) Many times, that "word" resembles an actual word, and inspires the commenter to make up a funny definition for it, tacking it onto the end of the comment like so:
Within my one-cubicle radius sits a guy (one of the few guys in this office) who I call NPR, because his voice sounds like about a half dozen of the news announcers on that network; most notably Robert Siegel, and to a lesser degree, Linda Wertheimer.
This morning on the way to work I saw a guy driving a Mazda Miata convertible (that's right, a guy) with the top down. But, because it was 35 degrees outside, he was wearing a wool cap and a full winter jacket. Am I the only one who sees the problem here?
Oregon Public Broadcasting has been running these specials on the "pioneers" of television lately. The other day I was on my home computer (which, unlike Meagan's Poppy Isabella, has no name), and I heard an episode on TV in the background. Some of the clips they showed had parts where the audience was applauding the performers, and when I heard that applause, something occurred to me: There were no screams of "WHOOOOO!!" and few if any whistles. It was just clapping.
Maybe OPB can only afford the signs that say "APPLAUSE NOW" and not the "CHEER NOW", and "WHISTLE NOW" signs.
love meagan
p.s. bummer about your no-name computer. You could name it Dinglemunch...
I think there are just some individuals that want to be heard above the crowd. So when that episode of Seinfeld comes on, that guy can say, "Hey Ma, that's me yoo-hoo-ing there."
I was reading the other day just about that: how people are so willing to look like idiots at a (name your favorite boy band) concert but so self conscious when it comes to worshipping God. The author cited this as evidence of the human's capacity for adoration and the need to have it focused on the One who deserves it all.
However, I wouldn't mind going back to the days of our founding fathers where instead of clapping they just tapped their walking sticks or hands against their desks or thighs. The sound of one hand clapping filled Independence Hall on July 4, 1776. At least in the movie.
And sadness -- they are really adamant about having people NOT whoop and holler at the Dave Letterman show. And no one did. I wanted to be the one saying "Hey ma that's me!" but I felt so out of sorts I didn't want to stand out. They do have the professional clapper though to cue the audience. Good gig if you ask me.
Two years ago, I worked as a temp for an electronic security system manufacturer. I was in the Purchasing department with about seven or eight buyers. Once the Christmas season hit, one of the buyers brought in an Amy Grant Christmas CD (Home for Christmas), and played it nonstop for two solid weeks. I am not exaggerating here. Every day, for nine hours each day, her CD was playing on the CD boombox in the center of the room.
Why does Kentucky Fried Chicken (just KFC nowadays) use the song "Sweet Home Alabama" in its commercials?
Simple question: How do the Blind Boys of Alabama sign autographs?
You know how, In some NBA games, when the home team's down by a few points and the other team has the ball, the PA system does that slow, two-bass-drum cadence and the crowd yells, "De-Fense"? *BOOM-BOOM* De-Fense! *BOOM-BOOM* De-Fense!
I just found out a few minutes ago, via the earsplitting voice of Chimp-bo, that tomorrow is a company holiday. Nobody, my manager included, has actually told me that the office is closed; I would have come in to work as normal, finding the office empty and dark, miffed that I could have slept in, one less gallon of gas in the tank.
Yipeee!!!! An unexpected day off! As annoying as that is that no one told you, isn't that a fabulous surprise?!? I hope you have a very fun day tomorrow.
love meagan
as the state of california is shutting down for the day, i guess i'll take the day off too. have a fabulous 3 day weekend and try to be good about your eating!! :D
We're working today... Notice that I'm making blog rounds. Ssshhh!
I heard recently on the news that they are estimating that something like 20% of the work week is now "wasted" on blogging. Though I can bet there are people in the company I work for getting paid to blog and read blogs. I need that job!
Say what you will about the French, they have some really cool looking names.
I have a tiny gap between my two upper front teeth, and I'm slightly obsessed over it. It's not overly diastematic; it's just a fraction of a millimeter. Still, I'm obsessed with making sure there's a good air flow in the gap at all times. After eating anything, if there's any sort of matter left behind in the gap, I will stop whatever I'm doing and work on clearing it out. I usually keep floss in my desk, and when I don't have that, I'll use a piece of paper. Sticky notes work well, business cards even better. All day long, I'm testing the air flow; anything that gets in that gap will make it squeak a little bit, which has to be annoying to my coworkers.
i would be willing to bet letterman does have that problem. i don't have much of a front gap, but my side gaps are enough that i can put my tongue to the top of my mouth and blow air through them, to see if anything comes flying out.
benefit: don't need random pieces of paper, no squeaking.
disadvantage: spraying nearby people with random bits of food!
This is just so much fun that you both shared about these gaps in your teeth!
do you want to share something about your own gap teeth, meagan?
:-) :-| :-=
I was trying to get creative and draw what looked like a gap-toothed emoticon, but I guss I'm not creative enough yet. But thanks for asking!! :-)
Disgusting "proof" that Letterman has this problem:
Joel and Steve, May 12, 2004
I've been looking at you for years now and I've never once noticed a noticeable gap... Though this does explain why you are always looking for toothpicks etc.
You just haven't been close enough to my face to see it, that's all ;)
I suppose thats true!
It seems like every weekday morning there's one thing I forget to do, or take with me. Sometimes it's my security badge. The other day it was my glasses. Today I forgot to put on a belt. And let me tell you, I need a belt now more than ever, because I have been reducing my girth as of late, and I haven't yet bought any new slacks. Hopefully my pants won't fall down during our morning stretching. Well, if they do, at least I'm not wearing tighty whities.
Hey Stan, let's hope your not going commando!!
It's just wrong I'm even talking about this!
Oh by the way, Congrats on breaking into the 198 range!
No, I leave the commando stuff to Rambo.
Oh my gosh, that's such an old reference now. *weeping*
I noticed Jim is posting again, I wonder why he won't allow comments?
I know, I'm alittle slow, he's probably been back for some time now, but just noticed the other day, well yesterday.
It's only been three or four days, I think. I seem to remember on his retirement post that he said he was getting too many negative comments from jerks telling him that he wasn't funny, that he should find a new hobby, something like that. So I can understand why he wouldn't want to open himself up to that again. Although it'd be nice for his old blog friends to be able to welcome him back.
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I'm sorry...morning stretching?? Seriously?
Yep, at 9:30 we stretch for fifteen minutes. Not every day, though.
More proof that God exists: Coat hangers.
tee hee
*envisioning you trying to untangle coat hangers without your glasses on*
Sounds like a Clark Grizwold moment there. That's really weird, by the way, we have a lot of the same blog links.
When I first started, Jim introduced me to a bunch of other bloggers. When he decided to quit, I was pretty down about that.
Looks like he's picking up again, but not allowing comments.
Over in the right column of this blog is a link to Weather Underground (labeled as "portland weather"). On that site, underneath the five-day forecast, is a little ad with a tagline of Meet Locals. This is almost always accompanied by a photo of an alluring young woman, implying that Meet Locals means Maybe Get Lucky With Locals. Then it says that you can read their hotel tips and travel guides, which tells me that it's actually more like a Frommer's than a dating service.
In the summertime, we had to be at the babysitter's place all day long. At lunchtime, we were required to eat our food one item at a time: We had to finish the sandwich before we could eat chips; finish the chips before we could have kool-aid; and finish the kool-aid before we could have the cookie.
Just for fun, I put the word "taco" into an English-to-Spanish translator. It found no matching words in either language.
There's an lady in a nearby cubicle who talks extremely loudly, in a voice that can best be described as a cross between a drunk bimbo and a deaf chimpanzee. I made reference to her in this blog's description line recently. Not only does she assume everyone is always paying attention to her (she just asks questions out loud to whomever will answer her in a three-cube radius), she also will take very personal calls throughout the day without reducing her decibel level.
Today I am Squinty Man at work (aka Sit Really Close To The Monitor Man), because I accidentally left my glasses at home. There really should be no excuse for this, as I have three pair to choose from. Yet there they sit, all of them, on the top of my bookshelf, next to the fingernail clippers and the old mayo jar full of really small junk.
$5 mail order survival knife w/compass
I've posted more than once about songs that have gotten stuck in my head for days at a time, causing me much grief and anguish. But once in a while, a good song will get in there that I want to keep, because the rhythm or the bass line is so great. Today that song is Public Enemy's "Fight the Power"; I'm pretty sure that song was in Jarhead, which I saw on Friday. (I could be wrong about that.)
I have cleaned up some of the links that I don't really check up on anymore. I added a new one, Special Fried Rice, which I began reading and already like. I'll try to catch up on that one this week. I added the Anonymous Lawyer, which I have commented on before, and Lo's blog, which I keep up with but haven't linked until now.
chicken fried life = special fried rice. Same fried stuff, different takeout container.
Hear that? That was the sound of a light bulb dinging above my head. :)
LOL, sorry, thought I told you!
Special Fried Rice? Mmmm, that's good readin'...
And Jim! Jim sure looks back...no comments tho'...still, [[[[[happy dance]]]]].
Given the choice between no Jim and rerun Jim, I choose rerun Jim. But it does look like there's some new stuff in there.
I went across the street to the deli to grab some lunch, and they had Mix 106.7 playing on their radio. The station was playing the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's version of "Carol of the Bells." That's right, folks. It's November 4, 2005, and a local station is already playing Christmas music.
That reminds me of something a local radiostation here in phoenix does. This station says the amount of days until christmas everyday, but they start doing this in july, so they will say things like "9*.* the holiday station! Only 162 days until christmas!"
Hiya ##NAME##, just thought I'd say great post titled ##TITLE##. I'm looking for ##LINK## and I ended up here accidentally but I will make sure I return soon. Looking for in addition will keep me busy for a few hours.
Someone called me this morning with a number I kind of recognized. I thought it might've been Dave, but his name, which is stored in the phone, didn't come up...just a raw number. I don't answer calls from unrecognized numbers. Whoever called left me no voice mail.
Hah I love it! I feel like I am still a 503 snob, even though my whole region is now 541. I'm still getting used to it. After 10 years, or whatever it's been since Oregon decided to have two area codes. Those 971's are quite confusing. Couldn't they at least have gone with 543 or 504 or something semi-similar to the original numbers?
love meagan
That's funny, from the links list on the right, it works with the www in the URL. In the post, it didn't. (I just did copy-paste.) Guess I'll just update the links list for the future.
Yeah, yeah, I know that J&S are a year out of date. Remember when it was supposed to be a flash-forward? Now it's a year flash-back. Me lazy.
Everytime I see 971 I think someone is calling from out of state, like Cali. Theirs is 916 so I get confused and don't ever pick up. Of course I never pick up unknown numbers... Its safer to let them leave a voicemail and call back when I know its safe.
Another similiar thought... Have you ever mis-dialed a number and hung up and then had the mis-dial call you back and ask what you want? I hate that! If I didn't leave a message I probably got the wrong number. Its always awkward.
In addition to the apparent doubling of traffic on my morning commute (which requires me to leave ten or more minutes earlier to get to work at the same time as before), now we've got the rain. And wow, is it raining a lot lately.
So I'm eating a cup of yogurt right now, and I look at the printed label. It says that this is Grade A Nonfat Yogurt. Grade A. Is there any point to putting this on there? Seriously, does anyone even sell Grade B or lower?
1 Talked Back:
At November 30, 2005 at 11:51:00 PM CST,
Katie said...
Oh what day was this?? I was just over there last week and there were cops all over blocking off roads! Then again maybe that sort of thing happens often in that area... Scary.
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